2902 Mt. Willing Road, Efland, NC 27243
Join us at the farm!
Campers, preschoolers, afterschoolers, groups, and community gardeners
are invited to play, work, eat, learn, and grow on our 20-acre farm property.
What does garden membership look like?
Community Farm Membership
What it includes:
Access to the farm during open hours 2-3x a week
Visiting and helping to care for the animals
Helping to grow food in the garden
Playing in the farm space
A portion of produce harvested (amount varies)
2 free pumpkin patch tickets per household
A variety of other events, some free for members, some with an additional fee; currently planning yoga in the garden, seasonal potlucks, and workshops with Farmer Sandy.
Your membership helps our farm to thrive! Thank you for being a part of our community!
Homeschool Farm Membership
$50 annual supply fee (non-refundable)
What it includes:
All of the above, but with a time to visit specific to homeschool families
The additional one-time $50 supply fee to help cover the cost of materials, ie arts and crafts and other supplies focused towards learning.
Payments are due on the 5th of each month. Auto-draft can be set up. Memberships can be suspended as needed.
Garden Crew Volunteers
What it includes:
Meeting weekly to work in the garden, subject to volunteer availability, February-November. Garden Crew will take a pause in December and January. There may also be some Saturday workdays.
There may be surplus produce, flowers, etc to give occasionally but the main goal is to build community and health by getting outdoors and volunteering together!
This group may focus on specific areas, ie taking care of the orchard, edible landscaping, pollinator gardens, etc.
Welcome to join yoga classes and other events (along with the general public) for the affiliated cost
Invited to all community potlucks, campfires, etc!
Winter Garden Hours
Mondays: 10am-noon; 3-5pm

Our farm community consists of campers ranging in age from 3 to 18, church and school groups, and families, friends, and neighbors!
When we come together to
garden and eat, we learn more
about one another, the land,
and life on the earth we all share.

As we tend our farm, we look to nature as model. How might we best work WITH nature to produce foods that honor our bodies as well as the soils and streams? How can we be sensitive to the needs and health of our livestock, our wild creatures, our habitats, AND ourselves?

A garden can be a place of learning, solace, friendship,
growth, and renewal.
We hope that our farm will offer you
a place to experience more of God’s love within the context of creation.
Email Erica at farm@campchestnutridge.org
Visit during Open Garden Hours - 2902 Mt. Willing Road, Efland, NC