Pre-K to K
Our Pre k-K programs are designed a little differently then our other OE programs. Pre-school age children will rotate through four 20 minute sessions with a 30 minute break between the second and third sessions. A simple snack will be provided during the break. Kindergarteners can choose to follow this schedule as well or they can choose to rotate through five 20 minute sessions consecutively.
Cold Blooded Creatures
Chestnut Ridge is home to many animals. In this program we take an upclose look at some of our hard to find residents and investigate how they are different from their warm blooded counterparts. Session include : Snakes , Ampibians, Box turtles and Water Turtles
K.L.1, EX.K.L.1
Backyard Exployers
See what nature is hiding in Chestnut Ridg'e backyard We will become junior biologists and explore trees/leaves, rocks/soil , and animals that make Chestnut Ridge their home.
K.L.1, Ex.K.L.1
Cold Blooded Creatures
Chestnut Ridge is home to many animals. In this program we take an upclose look at some of our hard to find residents and investigate how they are different from their warm blooded counterparts. Session include : Snakes , Ampibians, Box turtles and Water Turtles
K.L.1, EX.K.L.1
Everything Animals
This program is just what it says, all about animals. We will rotate through sessions where we will learn characteristics that make an animal a mammal, bird, reptile or amphibian.
K.L.1, EX.K.L.1
Farming Fun
Join us as we explore what its like to be a farmer. We will learn about and meet farm animals , look at how compost is created and find out what parts of plants we eat.
This program is just what it says, all about animals. We will rotate through sessions where we will learn characteristics that make an animal a mammal, bird, reptile or amphibian.
Let's Get Moving
What makes things move? We will explore the different ways things move. We'll investigate some of the forces that affect movement and explore how some animals move themselves on land
K.P.1 EX.K.P.1

Plants are Perfect
Plants come in all shapes and sizes and we will learn about differences and simiarities between various plants. We will learn about trees and flowers and look at the parts of plants that we can eat.
Native American Ways
In this program we will look into the lives of North Carolina's indigenous people. Music, art, games and stories were an important part of their daily lives and we will explore these aspects of their culture.
K.H.1, K.G.2 , K.C.1
Wings and Things
The ability to fly is amazing! In this program we will examine some of the animals that can defy gravity. Butterflies, Bees and birds are included.