a sacred place set apart
This outdoor chapel on the edge of Lake Fellowship offers a sacred space for worship surrounded by the beauty of God’s creation. Benches at the chapel can seat almost 200 people, a campfire circle creates the perfect atmosphere for fireside devotions, and the stone altar provides a location for the sacraments. The lake chapel is the perfect place to hold a quiet devotion or sing praise songs at the top of your lungs.

The labyrinth walk is available for prayer, meditation, contemplation or personal growth. It is popular with a growing number of people because of its simplicity and the ability to approach its paths on your own terms. It is not a maze, nor is there a “required way” to walk the labyrinth. The beauty of the labyrinth is that people can approach the experience in their own way.
The Chestnut Ridge labyrinth is 50-foot in diameter and located in our woods with a view of the lake.

What are the Stations of the Cross? The Stations of the Cross are a series of artistic representations depicting events leading up to Jesus’ death on the cross. As a person makes their way past each station, they will meditate and pray about that event. This devotional practice is most utilized during the season of Lent and Holy Week, which commemorates the final days of Jesus’ life.
The Stations of the Cross Trail at Chestnut Ridge allows you to journey through Holy Week with Christ. The trail itself is fairly short and easy, meandering through the forest and along a creek. Etched glass carvings depicting the life of Christ in his final days are spread over several different stations. Laminated Stations of the Cross guides are located in a sheltered box at the beginning of the trail. These guides will assist you in your spiritual reflection as you walk the Stations of the Cross Trail.